men meeting men

About Us

Nature Fun Adventure Pvt. Ltd was established and officially inaugurated in 2019 (1st April 2019).

About Nature Fun Adventure

Roof of Golden Mountain, Flow like a glacier river.
Pheasant sing a song, Rhododendron warm welcome.
Different taste culture & race, Kindness and smile Face.
Bio-diversity and capability, Nature Fun Hospitality.

Naturally Nepal is gateways to the Himalayan plateaus with biggest & highest altitude plateaus of the world. Nature Fun Adventure is one of the government authorized legal private company. Since one decay we have involve and experience of tourism and hospitality service.

We are well-trained professional leading team of trekking, hiking, Jungle safari & outdoor Adventure Services. Nepal is naturally rich country for Adventure activities and much more to explore in mountains accompanied by Nature Fun Adventure.

Our insight is that excellent travel operators should be qualified and gain about local place, tradition & culture.   We are responsible to our valuable client, to provide quality service, friendly, & familiar environment and safety, during arrival till departure. We are considered well aid and most reasonable Company by the local community as well as foreign.

We frequently help you to make your Holidays and travel more exciting and lifetime memorable. We will provide you best facilities for physical health, food, accommodation, care & security. In our decay experienced period we have created and organized adventure trip for travelers in local place, trekking, hiking, white water rafting, climbing, mountaineering, hotel booking, jungles safari,  and  many more. Nature fun Adventure is comprehensive to help & support to line eco-tourism support to the local community, save eco-natural and tradition balance to promote locals, people, education wealth and social economic.

“Natural Nepal one is not enough”.  It is rich in culture, custom, tradition, norms & value. We will always heartily welcome and love travelers or client believing to introduced that Nepal to the World Tourism Industry and sector never going take a step backward.

We were always ready to help and support you in trips and journey to Nepal and for more details you can go through our website & staff who were always there to support and assist you.

The staff of Nature Fun Adventure has kind, honest, hardworking, knowledgeable, and skillful and helpful with you as very acquainted of every journey destination.